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Research on African land policy assessment
Conscious of the primary role that land plays in development, African leaders adopted in 2009, the African Union Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa, and in 2010, the Framewo
Conscious of the primary role that land plays in development, African leaders adopted in 2009, the African Union Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa, and in 2010, the Framewo
“Socioeconomic development needs to bring about real change for women.
The Land and Property Science Department of the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) has recently published the Proceedings of a workshop on “Mainstreaming the GLTN “Teaching
Developed by the Arab Land Initiative’s partners UN-Habitat, Global Land Tool Network and Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS) with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Econom
There is still limited understanding and response in addressing the nexus of the impacts of climate change, social and policy responses, and the need for land tenure security. This infograp
This publication provides an overview on the factors to consider and tools to apply in fostering institutional harmonisation in the land sector.
Learning from Jordan, Sudan and Niger how to advance the land degradation neutrality and the peace agenda through land tenure security and good land governance Avoiding, reducing and revers
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) developed this training guide in response to the increasing demand for knowledge and capac