a Namati | GLTN
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)
GLTN Partner


Namati was founded in 2011 with the objective of growing a robust, evidence-based, global field around community paralegals, legal empowerment, and primary justice services. Today, Namati is building a global movement of grassroots advocates who give people the power to understand, use, and shape the law. These advocates form a dynamic, creative frontline that can squeeze justice out of even broken systems.

Namati’s Community Land Protection Program supports national and local organizations to proactively strengthen rural and indigenous communities’ ability to protect, document and steward their collectively managed lands. Namati, through its partners, is currently working to protect community lands in Liberia, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Nepal, and Myanmar.

Namati’s approaches to working on land issues directly align with GLTN’s agenda and core values. The experiences, research, and training materials will be valuable contributions to the GLTN – in particular regarding communal land tenure systems and the application of legal empowerment strategies to land issues. Namati may also bridge the GLTN with the Global Legal Empowerment Network of over 650 organizations (https://namati.org/network/organizations/), many of whom work on land-related issues.

For more information on Namati, visit https://namati.org