a International Land Coalition (ILC) | GLTN
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)
International Land Coalition (ILC)
GLTN Partner

International Land Coalition (ILC)

International Land Coalition (ILC) is a coalition of 206 organisations representing 64 countries, working together to promote secure and equitable access to land for rural people, mainly through capacity building, knowledge sharing and advocacy. ILC was founded in 1995 - it was formerly called ‘The Popular Coalition to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty’ but was later renamed in 2003 in recognition of its strategic focus on land access issues).

Over the past decades, the International Land Coalition (ILC) has advanced its mission by promoting secure access to land for rural people through capacity building, dialogue, and advocacy. The shared vision of its members is that secure and equitable access to land, and control over land, reduce poverty and contribute to identity, dignity, and inclusion. ILC strives to overcome any practices in its operations or those of its members that perpetuate the marginalisation of any section of society, and in particular of women.

The ILC has supported its members to implement the Gender Evaluation Criteria (GEC) pilots in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The GEC is a flagship GLTN tool that addresses gender responsiveness in land tool development. The ILC has also facilitated capacity strengthening on the use of the GEC since 2012 througha series of Training of Trainers (ToT). ILC is also supporting their African members in Togo, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Nigeria and Rwanda and links to ILC regional plan activities in Colombia and Indonesia.