UN Habitat Executive Director's Message to the 7th GLTN Partners Meeting 2018


  • Let us look forward to GLTN Phase 3, which will continue to address land tenure security for all access to land and security of tenure with more purpose.
  • The work of the GLTN Partners is impressive, with a real domino effect influencing positive changes in the lives of urban poor.
  • Land is central to achieving sustainable development and to fight inequality for women and you people.
  • Land is central to UN Habitat’s mandate, sustainable development and urbanization.
  • Land and tenure security is critical to the delivery of the SGDs and NUA.
  • When inclusively managed, land can be used to fight poverty, reduce conflict, establish Food security and prevent unplanned urbanization. Land is where development starts.
  • Land cannot be put aside. The New Urban Agenda explicitly acknowledges the GLTN’s central coordinating role on land in Para 35. Through partnership with GLTN, UN-Habitat will enhance support to the Network's work.