Landac: Call for Papers and panel proposals for Climate change conference, 24-25 November 2016 Ultrecht, the Netherlands

Netherlands Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development (LANDac), a GLTN Partner, in collaboration with Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and IDS-Utrecht University are calling for papers and panel proposals. The selected papers will be presented at the “CLIMATE CHANGE INTERVENTIONS AS A SOURCE OF CONFLICT, COMPETING CLAIMS AND NEW MOBILITIES - Increasing the resilience of communities and cities in the South” conference scheduled for 24-25 November 2016 in Ultrecht, the Netherlands. This conference aims to better understand the impacts of climate change-related investments, exploring how to prevent and resolve conflicts, in cities as well as in urbanizing and rural areas. The conference topics and themes are:
  • Climate Change, conflict and violence
  • Climate Change, (new) partnerships, alliances and cooperation
  • Migration and new mobilities
  • Access to land and climate change
  • Large-scale investment in infrastructure
  • Climate Change and Habitat III – the New Urban Agenda
  • Urban resilience
  • Climate Change and the SDGs
  • Community-based adaptation
  • Nature conservation and REDD++
  • Climate action in dryland areas
  • Climate Change, land subsidence and flooding
  • Risk and disasters – dealing with the unexpected
  • Climate finance mechanisms in practice
  • Knowledge production and policy claims in Climate Change
NB: Other related topics are also welcomed. Interested participants are con send their abstract of no more than 300 words to indicating “CCMCC Conference” on or before 25th September 2016. Submissions should be written in English and should include: title; name and affiliation of all authors; and full contact details of presenter(s). A selection committee will review all submissions and make a final decision of which you will be notified by 21st October 2016. More information is available here: Call for abstracts