Training for city leaders: Singapore-UN Habitat international capacity building programme

Apply now to the Singapore – UN Habitat international capacity building programme

27-31 August 2018; Singapore

The 2nd edition of the International Leaders in Urban Governance Programme for Africa organized jointly by the Government of Singapore and UN-Habitat takes place from 27-31 August 2018 in Singapore.  Mayors, governors, heads of metropolitan regions and provincial governments, policy makers, decision-makers, senior urban practitioners and officials from rapidly urbanizing African cities are encouraged to apply. The inaugural programme in 2017 attracted 42 city leaders from 14 African cities. The 5-day long urban governance programme seeks to strengthen the capacity of decision-makers in sustainable urbanization and improve knowledge on local finance, housing, urban planning and land management, mobility, the Sustainable Development Goals, the New Urban Agenda and Singapore’s Liveability Framework. The programme is oriented to problem-solving and provides an interactive learning experience that facilitates exchange of knowledge, best practices and peer-to-peer learning. Participants will get acquainted with Singapore’s urban transformation experience through technical visits and discussions with Singaporean experts. In addition, participants will receive support in the formulation, development and follow-up of action plans on priority urban challenges for their respective cities. The programme will be enhanced by participation of mentors and practitioners from the Government of Singapore and UN-Habitat.
This year, the programme will be held simultaneously with the Africa Singapore Business Forum (ASBF) and the African High Level Ministerial Exchange Visit (AHLMEV), offering opportunities to strengthen ties and networks between Singapore and African countries, cities and business leaders.
The Government of Singapore will sponsor programme fees, accommodation, per diem, hospitalization insurance, local airport transfers, and daily transfers to and from the training venue for the duration of the programme. Participants will only be responsible for the costs of their return airfare and visa fees. The programme will be conducted exclusively in English. For further information on the programme and the list of eligible countries, please consult the programme brochure and application form. To be considered, interested candidates should submit a completed application form and two completed PowerPoint presentations based on the attached templates to and by 31 May 2018 For further clarification please contact Ms. Nisha Sharda, Assistant Director, Centre for Liveable Cities ( or Ms. Zuzana Vuova, Capacity Development Unit, UN-Habitat ( Download the 2018 SG UNiLUGP brochure here. Download the 2018 SG UNiLUGP application form here. Download the PowerPoint Template 1 (Urban Challenge Concept Paper Summary) here. Download the PowerPoint Template 2 (Best Urban Practice) here.