Land Journal-Transforming Land Administration Practices through the Application of Fit-For-Purpose Technologies: Country Case Studies in Africa

The GLTN has published an article on the Land journal Special Issue "Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration-Providing Secure Land Rights at Scale". The paper argues that in the light of poor access to land and inadequate delivery of land tenure in Africa, fit-for-purpose spatial frameworks need to be adapted to the context of a country based on simple, affordable, and incremental solutions toward addressing these challenges. The paper considers three case studies on the use of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) tool in promoting the development of a fit-for-purpose land administration spatial framework. Land is an international and crossdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal of land use/land change, land management, land system science, landscape, soil-sediment-water systems, urban contexts and urban-rural interactions, and land–climate interactions, etc, published monthly online by MDPI. Read the abstract and full article.
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