Call for papers - International Conference: Local government and Urban governance: Citizen responsive innovations in Europe and in Africa

The 2015 Annual Conference of the IGU Commission on ‘Geography of Governance’ (IGU-GoG), to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, 9 - 10 April 2015, at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning – University of Lisbon, aims to explore recent developments in local government and urban governance in Europe and in Africa, challenges and opportunities confronting local government, and the recent reforms and institutional experiments on both continents.

Proposals for papers are welcome on any aspect of the broad area of local /urban governance, but would particularly encourage papers on three main themes:

  1. Theme 1: Local Government and Urban Governance in Europe: the impact of austerity, recent reforms and the role of local government in an 'EU Urban Agenda'
  2. Theme 2: Local Government and Urban Governance in Africa: democratic decentralization, good governance and the role of local government in the ‘Post-2015 Agenda’
  3. Theme 3: The use of ICT to expand the role of citizens in Urban Governance: national cases and international comparisons

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